Love Poem Template
The greatest gift that we can give ourselves is to love who we are. Use the following template to guide you in writing a love poem for you, to you and about you.
Let your love flow outward, inward and all around.
I am the descendant of ______________
My presence matters because ______________
I am worthy of ______________
I believe in ______________
I dare to dream ______________
My heart guides me to ______________
I am inspired by ______________
The gifts I have to give are ______________
My wisdom is ______________ and I wonder ______________
My soul is soothed by ______________
I am the color ______________
I relate to ______________
My deepest desire is ______________
My happiness is fueled by ______________
I have overcome ______________
The sun's radiance does not compare to my ______________
My voice will be heard through ______________
My greatest treasure is ______________
______________ is my magic.
When I am at peace I ______________