The Intentional Workplace

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"Insert quote here."
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If you are a company or organization that wants your team to thrive, this coaching program is ideal. Utilizing a combination of individual and group coaching sessions your team will gain an understanding of their personal strengths, be introduced to the 5 elements of well-being and be guided through a focused process to better understand career well-being.

Through a structured framework and curated dialogue, team members will be assisted with practicing self-reflection and awareness, engaging in creative problem solving, participating in personal and group accountability and utilizing strengths focused and encouraging communication. Your team will understand what an intentional and effective work environment feels like and how they can contribute to creating it.

This series includes a personalized journal for each participant to accompany coaching sessions and provide continued support after sessions have been completed. 

This series of Intentional Workplace coaching sessions will help your team:

  • Understand how they can create positive change
  • Avoid and address burnout
  • Increase positive communication among team members
  • Feel supported in their growth process
  • Increase productivity and engagement
  • Create a strengths based work environment that facilitates growth